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Kah Ying Choo
Academic: Coaching & Copyediting
Essays, Dissertations (Masters, Executive Masters, PhD)
General: Content Writing
Workshop, Speeches, Proposals, Books)
(1-on-1; Aged 16 and Above)
Consultations with Thesis Clients
Formulate research aims accurately with specificity and depth to define the scope of research study.
Fill out a thesis template (an overall structure) to provide an overall outline of the writing to be done and the direction for the pursuit of the research study.
Subsequent consultations as needed to address client needs for assistance in the research and writing process.
Sessions with Students, Undergraduate and below
Coaching in Creative Writing
Coaching in Writing Expository/Argumentative Essays
Fee (Undergraduate Honors/Graduate Level for Working Adults): SGD150/hour, pro-rated to actual time spent
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